Metallic epoxy flooring has become very popular due to its strength, attractive appearance, and practicality. The technology of installing such a floor requires certain skills and knowledge, but many manage to make self-leveling epoxy floors with their own hands. Everyone can choose their own version of the floor, which will be suitable for cost and properties, perform certain tasks.
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We recommend you to read: 3D flooring prices, And The bedt catalogue of 3D flooring designs on 3Dex
Metallic epoxy flooring is a strong, unified structure, absolutely harmless to health and easy to care for. Yes, this is exactly the beautiful cover, which is increasingly found in restaurants, airports and luxury apartments. In addition, due to its environmental friendliness, such coverage is quite popular in children's institutions and hospitals. Solid pluses! Do you dream of pouring such a floor in your own apartment? In this article, we will tell you how to do it.
Pros and Cons of Metalic Epoxy Flooring

What are the advantages of metallic epoxy floors?
- Metalic epoxy floors have a smooth and glossy surface due to the complete absence of seams. The degree of mirror gloss can be influenced by additives. A seamless surface prevents the penetration and accumulation of moisture, dirt, and bacteria, and therefore such a floor is often used in hospitals and other medical institutions.
- They have dirt-repellent properties. Coverage is unpretentious in the care.
- Are able not to react with chemical compounds.
- The epoxy resin cannot be burned, with its help it is possible to achieve non-slip surface during pouring, regulating the degree of roughness.
- The material is durable, reliable, almost not rubbed and does not deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The epoxy floor can last more than 30 years.
- Almost no smell. You can feel it only when kneading. To get rid of it definitively, two ventilations are enough.
- The optimal combination of price and quality.
- It's easy to pour yourself.
It has also disadvantages, among which:
- The metallic epoxy floor covering is quite fragile because of its hardness. If a heavy object falls on the floor, cracks and chips may appear;
- Over time, there are scratches that spoil the appearance of the floor. Unfortunately, it cannot be polished, such as parquet, and therefore many prefer a matte glossy surface;
- Complex technology of dismantling.
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Metallic Epoxy Flooring installation
Substrate preparation
It is important to remember that it is only possible to install a metallic epoxy self-leveling floor with a clean prepared base. The surface is thoroughly cleaned from dust, debris, and other contaminants. The technology of the filling floor provides for the moment that the smoother the surface, the less material is consumed. If the cracks are large, then it is better to align the floor with a rough fill. At this stage, you need to think through everything, take into account the nuances of the process technology and the features of the room. From the preparation of the surface will depend on the quality and durability of the coating.
Horizontal sex is also a mandatory requirement for sex. With a small drop, you can fill the finishing floor, it will correct the situation, but there will be an increased consumption of material. If the value of the drop exceeds the norm, it is better to first make a concrete screed and wait for it to dry completely.
The moisture of the finished dry screed should not exceed 4%. Only a flat and cleaned surface can be primed.Before you begin to install the floor yourself, you need to select the right material and calculate its number, pick up the right tools. Required soil, purified quartz sand, bulk two-component floor (for example, Epolast) for the base and base layers, polyurethane clear varnish, epoxy putty. Epolast can be laid on concrete, metal or wooden structures. If the epoxy floor is poured indoors in high loads or high humidity, then Epilast will be indispensable.
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Surface priming
Primer is needed for better adhesion of the substrate with epoxy resin and uniform absorbency. The amount of primer will depend on the porosity of the surface. If the base is very porous, a thin layer of primer will not be enough.
Impregnation should be thorough and thorough, and it is better to make several layers.After applying the first layer should pass at least a day. At the same time, do not allow excess liquid, avoiding the formation of puddles. For this, there are special spray guns that allow you to distribute the primer evenly over the entire surface and reduce its consumption.
Filling technology
The following conditions for the filling of metallic epoxy floors are mandatory:
- Humidity in the room is not more than 80%;
- The temperature of all materials involved in the kneading must be at least 15 ° C;
- The temperature in the room is from 5 ° C to 25 ° C. It is recommended to avoid sudden changes in the air temperature and the surface of the coating;
- Priming is best done immediately after cleaning the surface from dust. If more than 2 hours have passed, the surface should be cleaned again;
- The primer should be absolutely homogeneous. After stirring, four minutes must pass. Use the prepared mixture for 30-40 minutes.
To finally close all the pores and make the coating more even, a base layer is applied, the thickness of which is about 1.5 mm. The mixing of the basic composition of the epoxy floor takes place at the stage of sealing the pores. The components are thoroughly mixed, then the container with the composition should stand for about three minutes to allow air to escape, and immediately after that, it is possible to form the floor, evenly spreading the composition with a rubber spatula.
The composition should not be in the container for more than 10 minutes.
The consumption of the basic composition is usually 400 ml per m2. Particular attention should be paid to places where the composition is in contact with other coatings, in the corners and near the columns.
The stage of pouring the finish layer of the metallic epoxy floor is very responsible and requires accuracy. The thickness of the coating can be different, but not very thin. The composition is distributed using Irakli. In order not to disturb the technology, after 15 minutes, but no later than half an hour, the entire surface is punctured with the needles of a special roller to get rid of air bubbles that can damage the homogeneity of the floor. For this procedure, you need a diverter, without them, it is difficult to imagine moving through the liquid composition.
In a day, the finish coat will dry out, but only after a week, the epoxy floors will be ready for use. All this time, the surface should be open, avoiding moisture, dirt, and dust.
For additional protection of the epoxy floor coating, you can apply a clear polyurethane lacquer with a roller or brush in one or more layers. Completely the varnish dries up in the day, but it is possible to use a floor in four days.
The technology of pouring a metallic epoxy floor with your own hands is quite complicated, and the whole process is very laborious. It takes a long time to dry each layer, to comply with all stages of technology. We must constantly monitor, so as not to get dust, so it's best to not open the windows until the very end. You need to be attentive to all the details, especially at the stage of the finish pouring. Even on the floor in a small room, it will take 10-12 days.
All these efforts are worth it to eventually get a very effective floor, which will bring joy and comfort to any home. Dear reader, leave your opinion on the article in the comments or share your experience of operating this cover.
Metallic epoxy floor materials
Also for pouring you need:
- Building mixer,
- A vacuum cleaner,
- Different spatulas,
- Needle roller,
- Sinteponovye platens,
- Raklya,
- Plastic and metal containers,
- Individual protection means.
Also one more pleasant moment. The metallic epoxy flooring is extremely unpretentious in everyday care. It's all about the specifics of their flooring. More precisely, fill. The device epoxy flooring provides for the creation of a single seamless layer: no boards, no joints, no joints. So, there does not accumulate dust, dirt and other small rubbish. Of course, this technology requires a lot of attention and professionalism when creating an epoxy layer.